Vicor MI-J00 family of DC-DC converters is designed for applications utilizing distributed power architectures. MI-J20-IY is a memeber of this family. Based on Vicor VI-200 / VI-J00 family of zero-current switching, component-level DC-DC converters, the MI-J00 family offers exceptional performance in terms of power density, efficiency, noise, ease of use, and reliability. MI-J20-IY meets the steady-state input voltage requirements of MIL-STD-704D/E/F for 270VDC input. The output voltage can be externally trimmed or programmed from 50% to 110% of nominal output. Current limiting, remote sense, and an inhibit pin all combine to offer a high degree of protection, versatility, and reliability for power systems. Fully encapsulated in Vicor’s industry standard package, MI-J20-IY meets MIL-STD-810 environmental testing requirements for humidity, fungus, salt-fog, explosive atmosphere, acceleration, vibration, and shock. You may buy MI-J20-IY from our website here.